Generics in Swift

Vinodh Swamy
5 min readOct 3, 2017

Generic programming is a way of writing a reusable functions & types in a flexible way

Its a feature of swift, much of swift standard libaray build with generic code.

lets understand it solving the existing problem

The above function swaps the two Int using pass by reference, now if I need to write a function which does swaping of strings, I would be writing one more function like shown below

As you can see the implementation body of both functions are same, the only difference is in the type of parameters.

Now lets see how Generics solves the above duplicity of code

Thats how our generic function to swap two values will look like,

  • <T> just after the function name indicating this is a generic function which take parameters of type T
  • Function arguments list contains the Type as T instead Int, Double or String, which would be replaced with actual type

The below code shows how the above generic function swapTwoValues used for swapping Strings, Int values.

So thats quick Intro of Generics, Generic Function.

Topics we would be covering reading further

  • Generic Types
  • Type Constraint to Generic Functions/Types
  • Associated Types

Generic Types

As expected, yea!! you can write generic types in swift, the most common types we use day to day the Array, Dictionary are Generic Types

lets dig into the code without any further theory

The above structure IntStackwhich uses an array to push and pop the Int items to stack, the `push() & pop()` functions are mutating because they are modifying the structure items array.

Now lets see if I need a generic type which can push and pop not only Int item types but also other types.

There is not much difference isn't it?

Struct Name is appended with generics syntax <Element> where Element is a Type which would be replaced with actual Types (Int, Double, Strings, etc)

Element used as place holder in three places

  • The property items which is initialized with array of values of type Element
  • The push() function is taking a parameter of type Element
  • Return value of funtion pop() is of type Element
Generic Stack Operations for Strings
Generic Stack Operations for Ints

The above code shows how we have used the Generic Stackpushing and popping items of type String and Int.

Extending Generic Type

Extending a Generic Type Stack
Example showing how to use the extended topItem property

The above snippet is an extention of value type Stack with topItem as computed property in it, topItem is of type Element will return nil if stack is empty else the last item.

Type Constraint to Generic Functions/Types

In swift we can enforce certain type constraint on the types that can be used with generic functions and types

Didn't get ?

May be lets read the below line and try mapping it again.

We can define a generic function or type with a rule saying,

  • Type used should always confirm to a particular protocol or protocol composition
  • Type used should be inherited from a particular class

For example, In Swift’s Dictionarydictionary’s keys must always confirm to protocol Hashable else it cannot be used as key in Dictionary

Lets see a generic function with type constraint

<T:Equatable> the syntax indicate that the generic function will take types only confirming to protocol Equatable

By default all Data types String, Int, Double, etc are confirming to protocol Hashable which confirms Equatable protocol , so the above code works with out any issue.

Lets not wait to see a generic type with type constraint, will create a NavigationControllerStack for pushing and popping viewcontrollers which is of class UIViewControllers or its subclasses

Generic NavigationControllerStack

Thats how the NavigationControllerStack looks like, the syntax <Element:UIViewController> after the class name indicates that, this class will take Element only if they are inherited from UIViewController.

In the above code snippet, we create a ContactsViewController instance which is inherited from UIViewcontroller and Push to the NavigationControllerStack , same way PeopleViewController instance which is inherited from UIViewcontroller is Pushed.

Associated Types in Generics

Here we will see how we can use generics in protocols. Unlike classes, structs, enums, protocols supports generics in different way, the swift terminology calls it as Associated Types

An associated type in protocol says

“I dont know what exact type this is, some concrete class/struct/enum that adopts me will fill in the details.”

The above snippet shows the declaration of Containment protocol , Containment declares an `associatedtype` called Item which protocol doesn't know what exact type it is, the class or struct who implements Containment will know about it.

The Container protocol defines two required capabilities that any container must provide:

  • It should be able access the top item in the container through function topItem() at returns a Item type
  • It should be able to access a count of the items in the container through a count property that returns an Int value.

Will use the the above Containment Protocol in our Stack value type

The protocol Containment with associated type Item which was as place holder filed by our Stack struct as Element

Means the protocol funtion topItem() returns the item of type Element which was Item in protocols declaration.

Thats about the basics of Generics and related topics, If interested further feel free to check out the TRIE Data stucture Implemented using Generics.

